LEET CARBON Provides High-Resolution Data of Land Cover for all Purposes

To celebrate the launch of our platform, we provide free access to 10-m resolution data of Land Cover and Land Use for the entire Bangkok Metropolitan Region between 2015 and 2021.

Data Overview

LEET Carbon employs Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms to generate data of land cover and land use changes in Thailand and beyond. LEET Carbon can also detect and monitor the individual trees.

LEET Carbon uses the LEET cloud computing platform and earth observation satellite data. These datasets can be used for education and research purposes to support the development of various urban programs, natural resources management, and Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) and Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF).

Data coverage

    In Version I, the free data coverage is only for the Bangkok Metropolitan Region, Thailand including 6 provinces and 78 districts from 2015 to 2021. The data provided here only cover the urban region within the radius of 10 meters around settlements or built-up areas. To improve the land cover accuracy, we created urban boundaries using Sentinel 2 imagery in 2020 and keep this boundary as a base boundary for assessing the land cover changes for all the years between 2015 to 2021.

Download data

    Please register here to download the dataset. Please specify the region for the data you would like to get the data in the information form. Once you register with LEET Carbon, we will send you an email to confirm your request. After your email is verified, the download information will be sent to your email. Please ensure that you enter your email correctly.

    Note* If you forget your password, please register to reset the password. We will assist you to get the new password by referring to your registered email. Depending on the chosen region for the data, it may take a few minutes to display the data in graphs and maps. Please wait for the data loading on the website.

Note for data use

This dataset is available to use with no charge under the LEET “Terms of Use". Download data: Please register your information here to download the datasets. For commercial use, please contact LEET Carbon following contact us. As part of this dataset may include misclassification. If you find misclassification, overestimation of the land use categories or missing data, please contact us with specifying the misclassification.

To publish data using the LEET land cover dataset as it is, please display "©LEET" in the output map.


Data Format

1. Digital Data: Data is provided in the CSV (Comma-separated values) file format for selected districts or provinces in a specific year.

2. Graph data: TIFF format.

3. Spatial data: Geographical reference system: WGS84


Land Cover and Land Use Class

    The value of each land cover classification class ID number is as follows:

    0: Others: This class includes, clouds, shadows, and non-urban or built-up land areas

    1: Water: inland and seawater

    2: Urban/built-up lands: Residential land, industrial land, quarries, pits and mines, commercial land, land used by public services, land of mixed-use, land used for transport, recreational, and other open lands.

    3: Croplands: Cultivation of crops, agricultural lands, and grass areas.

    4: Forest: Tree cover

Data Displaying and Utilization

Download raw data files. To visualiz the land use land cover data by district or province, please use Microsoft Excel or any relevant software that supports reading the CSV files. High-Resolution land use and land cover data has a GeoTIFF format. You can use remote sensing image processing software, ArcMap, QGIS, or any other software that supports visualizing and manipulating the GeoTIFF files. Please note that the software introduced here is only an example, and the functionality is not necessarily guaranteed by LEET Carbon. Please understand that LEET Carbon cannot answer any questions about image processing software.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions to the LEET Carbon High-Resolution Data of Land Cover and Land Use

Terms of Use of LEET Carbon Data

The user should comply with the following terms when using the LEET carbon land cover and land use research data on the website of the LEET carbon at the LEET intelligence. which has the clear statement to the effect that the use of the LEET Carbon data is subject to the Terms of Use of LEET Carbon free Data. In addition to the terms, the user of the LEET Carbon data must follow the Terms of Use on LEET Carbon Policy.

  • Disclaimers

    LEET Carbon holds no liability for any consequence caused by the use of the LEET Carbon free land cover and land use data or by the quality thereof.

  • When using the LEET Carbon free data, the user is required to indicate its sources (LEET Intelligence and LEET Carbon) so that LEET Carbon can be acknowledged as the original distributor of the data. The user also needs to credit LEET Carbon as the original distributor when distributing any derivatives of the free data to any third party or making such derivatives public. As for the land cover land use data containing data provided by organizations other than LEET carbon, the user is requested to acknowledge not only LEET Carbon but also such organizations.

    Examples of acknowledgments and credit lines:

    “The data used for this paper have been provided by LEET Carbon of the LEET Intelligence.”

    “The original data used for this data have been supplied by LEET Carbon.”

    “Credit: LEET Carbon”

    “Provided by LEET Carbon (LEET Intelligence)”

    When the user publicizes a product using the LEET carbon data such as research papers, it would be appreciated if the user could, where possible, notify LEET carbon at the contact address on the website.

  • The user can use the LEET carbon data for commercial purposes without a fee; however, the user needs to notify LEET Carbon thereof in advance.

  • LEET Carbon handles personal information such as names and e-mail addresses in accordance with the Code and other laws and regulations regarding personal information including. General Data Protection Regulation and LEET Carbon’s rules on protection of personal information. For details, refer to Privacy Policy”

  • The terms are subject to change without notice.

  • The copyrights of the data provided in the service are the property of LEET.

  • For any inquiries about the terms, notification of the commercial use of the LEET data etc., please contact us at: info@leetcarbon.space

Contact US

LEET Carbon is the product of the LEET Intelligence Co. Ltd.,. We can be reached through the contacts below.


LEET intelligence Co., Ltd.
111/30 Perfect Park, Suan Prikthai Muang Pathum Thani Pathum Thani 12000 Thailand

